Top 5 Bleisure Destinations in the World

Bleisure travel perfectly blends ‘business’ and ‘leisure’ for business travellers. Explore the top 5 bleisure destinations around the world.


Known as the Global Business Hub, Singapore has an efficient and modern infrastructure. Enjoy the vibrant culture, world-class cuisine, and natural views.

Melbourne, Australia

Melbourne is a major business centre for finance and healthcare. While deciding on a bleisure trip to Melbourne, don’t miss out on the art, music and food.

Barcelona, Spain

A city brimming with energy and creativity, Barcelona is known for its tech and design sectors. Architecture, museums, and beaches are sites of attraction.

San Francisco, United States

The best destination for business travellers! Entrepreneurship and innovation make San Francisco the iconic choice. Visit and embrace the vibrance.

Tokyo, Japan

Tokyo is a dynamic business environment with tradition and modernity. Rich cultural heritage, delicious food, and exciting entertainment options are relaxing therapy.

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